The following article, Media Tries to Cover for Turncoat Tim Walz with this Attack, was first published on The Black Sphere.
Team Trump hit Team Harris hard when they exposed Tim Walz for his stolen valor. But like clockwork, the media arrived to try to deflect from Walz’ “combat” lies.
In this episode of Smoke and Mirrors, CNN host Bri Keilar attempts to deflect from Tim Walz’ record of cowardice. She alludes that JD Vance embellished his record.
Disgusting . @cnn‘s @brikeilarcnn disrespecting the memory and service of Maj. Megan McClung, the first female Marine Corps officer killed in Iraq while serving as a public affairs officer. She was a Naval Academy graduate.
How low will they sink?
— L A R R Y (@LarryOConnor) August 8, 2024
Would JD Vance really be this stupid?
Common sense tells you that JD Vance has a clean record of service in the Marines if he’s calling out his opponent. Because only a clown would accuse his opponent of being a coward if his record were just as bad.
But let’s look at the real use of common sense.
If you are going to be selected by the Trump team, you must be vetted from the rooter to the tooter. Imagine what Team Trump looked at with Vance, given the anal cavity search by the media and other Leftists that Trump received.
I can attest that JD Vance is the second-most-vetted man in political history.
Still, CNN took the bait. And then a Marine corrected the record.
A Marine Major to whom JD Vance reported called out CNN’s Brianna Keilar for her disrespect of JD Vance’s service as a Marine reporter and suggestion of no danger:
“I saw yesterday where you talked about combat correspondent…130 heroes that served in that capacity who did not make it out of a combat zone.”
Marine Major calls out CNN’s Brianna Keilar for her disrespect of JD Vance’s service as a Marine reporter and suggestion of no danger:
“I saw yesterday where you talked about combat correspondent…130 heroes that served in that capacity who did not make it out of a combat zone.”
— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 9, 2024
Keilar didn’t get “Fact-Checked”, she got what we fellas call, “Cup-Checked”. Ouch.
And oh the irony that the person who came to bat for JD Vance was his superior officer. A woman standing up for an alpha male.
By the way, how many people died doing what Turncoat Tim Walz did, ergo duck and cover? Answer: none. Because cowards don’t die; they let others do it for them.
And where are Walz’ defenders?
Let me put this situation as simply as possible. There are no p*ssy Marines.
But there lots of p*ssy Leftist “men”, and Turncoat Walz is one such worthless, gutless eunuch.
I have respect for the National Guard, and those who enter with the idea of serving the country if necessary. For many men and women, they chose the guard later in life, having wished that they could have served directly, but life got in the way. But there are those who serve based on political aspirations.
Take the Biden boys. Both members of the reserves at Daddy’s insistence. The pseudo military service would look good on their records. The Bidens are the types who get cushy jobs in the military are would rarely if ever be put in harm’s way. Tim Walz chose “The Biden Way” as well.
But JD Vance joined the Marines out of high school. And few would argue that the Marines are America’s toughest branch of the military. By definition of “Marine”, you are a highly-trained special ops warrior willing to fight and die for this country right out of boot camp. Marines are the only branch of the military respected by all other branches, jealousies and bravado notwithstanding.
Like all the branches of the services, Marines must fill all jobs. But whether you are a cook or JAG, you are 100 percent Marine first.
JD Vance would never run from duty. Walz did.
Yes, it’s THAT simple!
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