Why We Celebrated This Christmas – Ep 24-503

Dec 26, 2024

What’s up GARBAGE!! Kamala Harris has been unburdened from what hasn’t been and what never was or was to ever be! We did it. Congratulations to us There should be steps to this process. There is a cycle for revenge, for payback. Planning, expectation, and execution. That last phase could have two meanings. But I don’t want anybody physically hurt in my plot for payback. For all the people who stole signs, flipped us off for being in Trump gear, keyed our cars, attacked us, accused us of things we never did…I give you THE FINGER. Consider the emotions we would be going through had we lost. You want to know the bad part? Trump winning will actually HELP the Left in ways they will never even consider. But if that hussy had won, what kind of world would she have built with the cabal pulling her strings?   First, BE PISSED! Then get EVEN. Then get MOTIVATED.  THEN be conciliatory.

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