Sanctuary Insanity and Criminal VIP Treatment Ends Soon
The following article, Sanctuary Insanity and Criminal VIP Treatment Ends Soon, was first...
We closed out the week as expected. Murder and mayhem. The world can’t wait for Trump to take his rightful place back in the Oval Office. But to endure Biden for even one more day is excruciating. What a tragic president this man has been. Don’t think we are the only people saying this. Joe Biden epitomizes Leftism. As you look at the state of the world, know that whatever tragedy has befallen us, it’s because of Leftism. Democrats won’t admit it, but they are more anxious than we are to get rid of Joe Biden.
The following article, Sanctuary Insanity and Criminal VIP Treatment Ends Soon, was first...
The following article, California’s Burn Notice: The Scorched Playlist, was first published on The...
The following article, Part III: California Leftists Leaders Fan the Flames of Incompetence, was...