The Left’s Money Laundering Machine is Running Out of Spin Cycle
The following article, The Left’s Money Laundering Machine is Running Out of Spin Cycle, was first...
Sanity has been restored to the world with the election of Trump, but do we have work to do or what? Every day with Leftists means you know you will be outraged. I truly don’t know where to start with my outrage this morning. My first thought as I perused the news today is why are there so many pedophiles in the world today? And why do Leftists seem to condone rape at a level that is almost unbelievable. Especially in England. These Muslim grooming gangs should have anybody with a daughter scared to death. Hell, even boys aren’t safe. Some of these stories are outrageous, like fathers trying to rescue their daughters from Muslim rape gangs getting arrested, and the police doing nothing to the men! The world is an ugly place and it will require men of honor and character to restore. Yes MEN. Sorry ladies, but this is not a job for you. Nor the metrosexual Leftist men who are all TRANS as far as I’m concerned.
The following article, The Left’s Money Laundering Machine is Running Out of Spin Cycle, was first...
The following article, Democrats Dysfunction and the Doge of Doom, was first published on The...
The following article, How the Left’s Circus Overshadowing Trump’s Reform, was first published on...