The Left’s Money Laundering Machine is Running Out of Spin Cycle
The following article, The Left’s Money Laundering Machine is Running Out of Spin Cycle, was first...
I’m so ready for Biden to be gone. What a trainwreck this man has been since getting shoe-horned into office by the cabal. A demented clown from the start, he’s now roaming around the White House mumbling, “I could have beat Trump”. Biden has become so senile that even the White House staff and the media have finally stopped ignoring it. When Ronald Reagan biographer Craig Shirley was asked this week about a new survey of “scholars” putting President Joe Biden ahead of the Gipper as the 14th “greatest president” in history, he exploded. “It made me gag,” Shirley said, hitting the “Presidential Greatness Project’s” experts as left-leaning educators. “Joe Biden is a terrible, terrible person. He is going to go down in history by honest historians as the worst president in American history,” he added. Shirley, who just debuted his latest work, The Search for Reagan, and is beginning on a biography of former President Donald Trump, didn’t stop there. “The idea that Joe Biden is a great president is just nonsense. It’s poppycock. It’s ridiculous. Name one thing that he’s been successful at other than spending money, and, by the way, any moron can spend money,” he added.
The following article, The Left’s Money Laundering Machine is Running Out of Spin Cycle, was first...
The following article, Democrats Dysfunction and the Doge of Doom, was first published on The...
The following article, How the Left’s Circus Overshadowing Trump’s Reform, was first published on...