Brown Pants Time: Musk’s DOGE Team Could Make Criminal Referrals
The following article, Brown Pants Time: Musk’s DOGE Team Could Make Criminal Referrals, was first...
Woman explains Emmanuel Hostin’s RICO fraud Karma. Fires are raging in CA. I’m not sure how they started, but I remember talking about CA having a “fire season” and people thought I was joking. The rules for cutting down trees caused these fires, because many of the trees became kindling. CA didn’t do controlled burns, and other necessary things to keep fire at bay. So year after year the fires come. This one is huge. Another crisis in CA is water. Newsom did nothing to help. There were mass cancellations of fire insurance by insurance companies before the fires. Were they tipped off? Of course the Los Angeles mayor cut the fire budget by nearly 20 million dollars. But that’s ok they have the first ever queer fire chief. Welcome. Chuck Schumer’s insane analysis of the loss We did a lot of good things? Families didn’t realize how much they had done…and cared. I want to discuss the most important issue we face over the next 4 years, and there are many that could qualify. At the 30,000 foot level, it’s just the blatant lying by Democrats. And as we’ve seen over the past few weeks since the election, Leftists are coming around.
The following article, Brown Pants Time: Musk’s DOGE Team Could Make Criminal Referrals, was first...
Rasmussen reports: For the first time in over 20 years of polling, Right Direction EXCEEDS Wrong...
The following article, Born This Way? Exploring the Hypothetical World of Predetermined Sexuality,...