Massive Takedown of Leftist Migrant Scam
The following article, Massive Takedown of Leftist Migrant Scam, was first published on The Black...
Trump is making major moves on multiple fronts. He will keep the Left hopping for some time. Leftists now feel what we have felt since the Obama era. News came fast and furious under Obama as Leftists honored the saying, “Let no crisis go to waste.” Obama’s legacy is pitiful. His administration presided over multiple scandals, while being in the midst of them. Obama even had the gall to declare his administration scandal-free. That statement kept him in the news cycle. Meanwhile, his IRS prosecuted conservative organizations, he tried to run guns from Mexico, and he allowed veterans to die on waiting lists. And that’s just for starters. Obama also persecuted journalists, he blatantly lied about Obamacare and the ability to keep your doctor, and he allowed 4 Americans to die as he ignored their pleas for support during Benghazi. The man who was supposed to be a uniter, divided the country on race lines, gender lines, and religious lines. We are still dealing with the fallout of Obama’s policies. And let’s not forget that Obama doubled the debt. For 8 years we played defense with Obama. Because he controlled all the levers of politics, particularly the media.
The following article, Massive Takedown of Leftist Migrant Scam, was first published on The Black...
The following article, DC’s Panic Sell-Off: Are the Bureaucrats Fleeing Before the Storm?, was...
The following article, I’ve Never Seen A Week Like This in Politics, was first published on The...