Trumptastic Week

Feb 18, 2025

Welcome to the Kevin Jackson Radio Show! Buckle up, folks, because we’re diving headfirst into the wild world of American politics where reality checks are rarer than a unicorn sighting. Today, we’re debunking the myth that President Donald J. Trump and his policies are as popular as a porcupine at a balloon party. Spoiler alert: The mainstream media and Democratic leaders may not be telling you the whole story.

The Trust Deficit in Politicians and Media Ladies and gentlemen, trust in politicians is lower than an ant’s belly button. A whopping 5% of Americans trust politicians. That’s right, they’re even less trusted than online influencers, celebrities, and your average snake oil salesman. This isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon—Germany, Japan, and the UK are right there with us in the distrust parade. And journalists? Don’t get me started. The “fake news” era has left journalism about as trustworthy as a used car salesman at a lemon auction. Social media echo chambers aren’t helping either, turning objective truth into an endangered species. So, when the media declares Trump unpopular, it’s worth a second look.

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