Joy Reid’s Firing: The Ironic End of a Race-Baiting Era and the Death of Woke Grift
The following article, Joy Reid’s Firing: The Ironic End of a Race-Baiting Era and the Death of...
How many institutions have been under siege by Leftists? Think about it: sports, academia, corporate America, the military… They have left no stone unturned. They systematically dominated everything, and have left no room for discussion. They changed all these things with the most idiotic ideas and actions, and we went right along. How do you turn athletes into pansies? Think of it this way, where boxing eventually looks like ballet. Where people wear fluffy gloves and rabbit punch each other with essentially cotton balls. Nobody gets hurt, aka TESTED.
Sports arose out of simulations of war. You couldn’t kill all the time, so warriors devised ways to measure one’s strength against an adversary. Democrats want NO testing of the strength of their message. They only want to win, and with the least amount of effort. I understand that feeling. At some point in life we’ve all wanted it to be easy or certainly easier. But anything worth having is generally not easy. Also, life is not about winning or losing. When Democrats win, we all lose. We conservatives win, we all win. It’s really that simple.
The following article, Joy Reid’s Firing: The Ironic End of a Race-Baiting Era and the Death of...
The following article, Trump Ending Biden’s War—And Cashes In on the Cleanup, was first published...
The following article, The Invisible Hand: How Norm Eisen and Democratic Operatives Orchestrated a...