Joy Reid’s Firing: The Ironic End of a Race-Baiting Era and the Death of Woke Grift
The following article, Joy Reid’s Firing: The Ironic End of a Race-Baiting Era and the Death of...
I want to remind you of what I said. We don’t need any more news. We have enough things to digest for the entirety of President Trump’s second term. More scandals than you can count. BIG ONES! J6 will be exposed for what it is…
The Epstein list is the ultimate “Trump” card. You get to play it once. It has all of your enemies on it. They have no way of recovering once it’s out. Thus, you dangle it for weeks over their head, watch as they confirm your picks, pass your budgets, and renegotiate trade
Smurfing US Senator @PattyMurray of Washington State caught Smurfing, i.e. criminally laundering money into her campaigns! Other US Senators are exposed in the Tweets below.
The following article, Joy Reid’s Firing: The Ironic End of a Race-Baiting Era and the Death of...
The following article, Trump Ending Biden’s War—And Cashes In on the Cleanup, was first published...
The following article, The Invisible Hand: How Norm Eisen and Democratic Operatives Orchestrated a...