The Kevin Jackson Network | Democrats in Distress: A Party So Lost They’re Borrowing Bernie’s Map

The following article, Democrats in Distress: A Party So Lost They’re Borrowing Bernie’s Map, was first published on The Black Sphere.

If you thought your week was bad, imagine being a Democrat right now. I was laid up with the flu for seven days, and at my age, that’s basically a death sentence. But even as I coughed my way through a fog of NyQuil and regret, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pity for the Democratic Party. Why? Because at some point, I knew I would live.

Let’s start with their latest Hail Mary: the Bernie-AOC Tour. Yes, you read that correctly. The Democratic Party, in its infinite wisdom, has decided that the dynamic duo of a 82-year-old socialist and a 34-year-old Instagram-friendly revolutionary is the answer to their problems. I’m no political strategist, but isn’t this just Biden-Harris 2.0: Older and Stupider Edition?

Who was the genius who came up with the retread idea of pitting a very old white guy with a dumber than dog sh*t minority woman?

Poor Bernie. The man has been cheated out of the nomination twice. But in remembrance of a political Groundhog Day, popping up every four years to remind us that socialism still hasn’t worked. And AOC? She’s the human embodiment of a Twitter thread—loud, divisive, and exhausting. Together, they’re like a Netflix reboot nobody asked for. Be still my beating heat if this ends up the Democratic ticket for 2028.

Even demented Democrat Senator Slotkin questioned what Sanders and AOC have actually accomplished. Spoiler alert: not much.

AOC and Sanders are America’s richest poverty pimps, and nobody is buying the “organic” nature of these events. But let’s not stop there, as the Democrats’ problems run deeper than their questionable choice of mascots.

Take USAID, for example. Recently, an African woman exposed the organization’s dirty little secret: instead of rescuing Africa, USAID and its NGOs are there to destabilize it. On paper, these groups appear to be saviors; in reality, they’re saboteurs. Enough is now known about USAID that it’s unlikely to see the light of day again. And that’s a major problem for Democrats, who rely on such organizations to push their global agenda.

So, what’s their solution? According to me (and my flu-induced wisdom), they should just pretend to be MAGA Republicans. But here’s the catch: MAGA folks can sniff out frauds faster than a bloodhound on a bacon trail. Good luck with that, Democrats.

Meanwhile, conservatives are thriving. For the first time in decades, we’re fighting back against government tyranny—and winning.

Donald Trump, the modern-day George Washington (with better teeth and worse hair), has become the Democrats’ boogeyman. No amount of DOJ shenanigans, crooked judges, or paid protesters can derail the Trump agenda this time. In fact, their attempts to disrupt Republican town halls have backfired spectacularly, revealing just how much people hate Democrats.

Axios recently reported that Democratic lawmakers are facing unprecedented levels of anger from their constituents. One even admitted to feeling “hate” from the people they represent. Another warned of looming “violence” over the party’s failure to oppose Trump effectively. Sound familiar? It’s like the 2010 Tea Party wave all over again, except this time, the Democrats are the ones getting swept out to sea.

And let’s talk about their obsession with identity politics. The mayor of Minneapolis recently bragged about his city being a sanctuary for illegals and, wait for it…trans individuals.

Yes, he actually said that. Because apparently, virtue-signaling on just illegals isn’t polling well enough, so they’ve decided to throw in the trannies for good measure.

So what President Trump has already solved the illegal immigration problem. Yes, solved it.

He drove a stake through the heart of the Left’s narratives by proving that one man with resolve can accomplish what hundreds of so-called “representatives” claim is impossible. Democrats can no longer argue that solving problems takes an act of Congress—because Trump did it with a pen and a phone.

The same logic applies to tariffs. Democrats scream, “TARIFFS ARE THE PROBLEM!” But Trump’s response could be pure gold:

“If tariffs are so bad, why are other countries using them so effectively against us?” It’s a question that leaves them stammering like a teenager caught sneaking out past curfew.

So yes, it’s been a bad week for Democrats. And if I were them, I’d get used to it, because there are many more bad weeks to come.

Democrats ride on a rudderless ship in a stormy sea of their creation. The only lifeboat in sight is labeled “MAGA.” Will they join their millions of peers who were smart enough to leave their party? More will, that’s for sure.

For now, I will enjoy my chicken soup and continue to recover. That’s more than I predict the Democrat “leadership” will do.

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