The following article, Democrats grow more concerned about Biden’s fitness, was first published on The Black Sphere.
Joe Biden is unfit mentally and physically to be president. And the Left knows this, which is why they spend a lot of time coaching the old fart into “appearing” youthful.
Either you have the genes and health or you don’t. Biden doesn’t. And no amount of Adderall will help present Biden long-term as fit as a fiddle.
But from Day One of Biden’s takeover of the presidency, people questioned his fitness. The man hid in a bunker during the election cycle, and emerged post-coup, to accept his position. And Biden looked and acted as confused as Punxsutawney Phil every ground hog day.
The Huffington Post writes of Biden’s fitness and workout routine as follows:
When President Biden moved into the White House in early 2021, a debate ensued about whether he could bring his Peloton bike with him because of the security risks it might pose.
Biden had grown attached to the bike, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the New York Times reported he and Jill Biden would “engage in regular morning negotiations” about who would get on the saddle first.
The bike became part of Biden’s morning routine, along with weights and a treadmill workout, the newspaper reported at the time, now nearly four years ago.
That’s as believable as Biden’s story about the death of his first wife. Hogwash.
Biden entered the Oval Office unfit mentally and physically, and there he remains. The article continues,
A February memo about his annual physical said Biden exercises at least five days a week and is “fit for duty.” But little is known about the president’s workout routine and how he stays active.
There have been a handful of photo-ops last summer of Biden riding along bike paths in Rehoboth Beach, Del., where he has a beach house. Biden has also gone on a handful of golf outings. And last summer, while the first family visited Lake Tahoe, a White House pool report said the Bidens were participating in a Pilates class followed by a spin class.
Recall Biden falling off his bike at a routine photo op. Imagine how his handlers must babysit him, when no camera is around.
And that’s what bothers Americans. The cloak of secrecy surrounding the 81-year-old mental midget. Moreover, the lack of transparency about his physical fitness.
Americans are rightfully concerned about second-term Biden. And the Democratic Party apparatus wants to do more to counter the narrative.
“Basically, the narrative in this race is focused on Trump’s crazy versus Biden’s age,” Democratic strategist Brad Bannon said. “His health and age are of serious concerns to voters, and they should be doing everything they can to push back on those concerns.”
“This is one of the things that bothers me,” Bannon continued. “You occasionally see pictures of him biking and he looks great, especially in contrast with Trump sitting in his golf cart with his gut hanging out. But despite that, voters have concerns about Biden, and the White House should be pushing against that with all their might.”
Trump’s gut? That’s the strategy. Denigrate a man who works damn near 20 hours a day, going from rally to court, to court to rally. Then, Trump gives interviews. Anytime, anywhere.
Another Democratic strategist agreed: “If you have a president who is being portrayed as old and frail, why wouldn’t you punch back and show him active?
“This is a narrative that will haunt him every day of his campaign. Don’t just show a hyped-up Biden during the State of the Union. Show how active he is every f‑‑‑ing day of the week,” the strategist added.
I don’t think these Leftist pundits and strategist get it. Biden can’t physically or mentally stay hyped. The White House never wants America to know just how bad things are for Biden, and refused to provide information on Biden’s workout routine. And it’s because no such regimen exists.
Things have gotten so bad on the PR front, that Biden hit the circuit. He visited 8 states in 18 days. Trump does that in a week, and takes 2 days off.
Team Biden depicts Trump as golfing, while Biden works. But the American public knows who works and who plays. Trump works and Biden takes a massive amount of vacation time for a man with as many problems as Biden has.
Democrats want Trump included.
When discussing candidates’ ages, Democrats quickly point out that Trump is almost as old as Biden. But the public knows that people age differently. Biden aged poorly, but Trump did not.
Put another way, one of them has a trophy wife, and the other got a consolation prize. Trump is with Melania for a reason. He doesn’t act old. He married Melania to keep himself young. It worked.
Trump happily appears in public, many times joined by his former model wife. Joe Biden appears with his sidekick saddle bag who must escort him on and off stage.
Biden is under the microscope, and for good reason. His secrecy deserves close inspection.
Author of “Fit Nation: The Gains and Pains of America’s Exercise Obsession”, Natalia Mehlman Petrzela commented:
“In some ways, it would be helpful for Biden to reveal more about his workout routine, since voters are clearly interested in his health, and we know that exercise is correlated to greater physical vigor and overall well-being”
“It is curious that he has not shared more about his exercise program, since for decades, sharing about the personal fitness routines of presidents has been an uncontroversial way to convey their strength, discipline, and relatability,” Petrzela said. “Presidents work out, too.”
Nothing curious at all about Biden’s refusal to share his exercise routine–he doesn’t have one.
Even Obama showed himself embarrassingly lifting weights in the gym. I wrote at the time?
If this is the leader of the free world, the world won’t be free very long.
If I were the Marine in the Mexican jail, I would seriously hope the Mexican Federalis haven’t seen this “princess” workout video. AND, I would be planning my own escape, since America’s princess president has ordered a new pen and phone to match his outfit.
Obama is straining to lift all of TEN POUNDS…FIVE pounds with each arm.
Hillary Clinton, you’re too late. America has its first female president.
Indeed, other presidents have historically been candid about their workouts. Former President Obama — who was caught on camera while working out in a hotel gym in 2014 doing lunges, step-ups and using an elliptical machine — was not only detailed about his morning workout routine but what he had on TV when he was exercising: ESPN’s “SportsCenter.”
In an interview with Runner’s World in 2002, former President George W. Bush also discussed how running “breaks up my day and allows me to recharge my batteries.”
Biden’s batteries stopped taking a charge quite a while back. By the way, they took the video of Obama’s workout down, likely at his request.
Bannon continued,
“The campaign should be doing everything they can to show him lifting weights, on the treadmill. It mystifies me why they’re not pushing this a lot harder with pictures and videos.”
I remind Bannon again: Biden is 81 years old. And while Trump isn’t that far behind, in terms of fitness, it’s not even close.
Trump looks effervescent compared to Biden. The guy seems refreshed all the time. Trump makes me remember the commercial about laundry. It declared, “Never let them see you sweat”.
What if Biden tries being un-Biden?
Maybe Biden should talk about the issues? So says Michael Messner, a professor of sociology at the University of Southern California who studies gender and sports in politics
“My guess is that the best they can and should do is to talk about how much time he puts in on a stationary bike, or whatever he does, and then perhaps note his opponent’s age, girth, and infamously bad diet. And then maybe get on to the issues?”
The issues?! That’s the last thing Biden wants to discuss. Biden can’t remember how to put on socks and underwear, much less discuss coherently matters of the state. The man refuses to debate Trump.
And what about that “youth and vigor” strategy? Experts say it’s risky.
Still, there are some risks, experts say, with trying to appear overtly in-shape as an older politician on the world stage. Biden could make a misstep that could be used to fuel more negativity for the opposition that has shown a willingness to engage in personal jabs.
“It does occur to me that as the Biden team is trying their best to put forward an image of a vibrant and active President Biden, they must take care not to produce a [Michael] Dukakis-like image that people will poke fun at,” said Messner, referring to the former Massachusetts governor, who was mocked for a photo of himself next to a tank.
Petrzela, who has studied fitness through a social justice context, agreed. “It is possible that Biden is worried that revealing details about his workout program will only provide more fodder for scrutiny and criticism of his physical state. I think that is a reasonable fear, given the cruelty of the internet, and especially on this issue.”
Things haven’t gone well for RFK, Jr. According to the article,
At the start of the year, the 70-year-old Kennedy challenged Biden and Trump to a fitness contest, aiming to distinguish himself as more physically capable than either of the two men. He posted a workout video on social media, writing: “Getting in shape for my debates with President Biden!”
“When RFK Jr. released that video of him doing pushups at Gold’s Gym, which I thought was objectively impressive for a 70-year-old, many tore him apart for form,” Petrzela said. “I cannot even imagine if Biden revealed the details of balance and flexibility work, which are absolutely important parts of a workout regime, especially as we age, opponents would portray it as a sign of his weakness rather than commitment to smart training.”
Trump doesn’t need gimmicks. His results speak for themselves. Positive. No other candidate can say this.
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