The following article, Kamala Harris: Side Chick Role Model, was first published on The Black Sphere.

Kamala Harris considers herself a role model. With Democrats’ twisted view of things, her view of herself fits. The side chick who actually rose through the ranks based on what is between her legs versus what is between her ears.

I watched as Kamala Harris lamented her job as a role model. And as I listened, the song “It’s Hard Out There for a Pimp” started playing in my head.

You think your life is tough? Try being a member of the role model club.

— MAZE (@mazemoore) September 18, 2024

What a difficult life for Harris, being all these “firsts”. Harris must consider herself a trailblazer of the likes of Jack Johnson, the first Black heavyweight boxing champion. A man who was received death threats for being in an interracial relationship, like Harris’.

Ultimately Jack Johnson was charged (on a technicality) and jailed for marrying a white woman. I checked, and Harris didn’t get charged for marrying her white husband; the man she married after using Black men rise to power. I get it.

And what of the first Black baseball player in the major leagues, Jackie Robinson?

Robinson got called n*igger and spit on going to his job. I’m going to go out a limb here and say that I don’t think anybody every spat on Harris as she walked into her office at any of her “first” jobs.

Back to the video

I enjoyed watching Harris wait nervously for the dozens of attendees to applaud. She waited uncomfortably for or somehow give her recognition for accomplishing nothing. It’s awkward to watch, and happens around 0:16. It’s like the teleprompter read: “Wait for applause”.

When the applause didn’t happen, Harris declared, “It’s tough”. Then she began to show the beginning of the cackle. But she caught herself.

Next she declared, “Being in the role model club means being in a room where you may be the only person who has had the experiences you’ve had.”

Harris wanted an award but failed to recognize that every person in that room had their “firsts”. Certainly no one can relate to her unique experiences, though many women have slept their way into power. Still, we are unique individuals and thus can not share in others’ unique experiences. Nevertheless, we can know anecdotally how certain thing feel.

I spoke of firsts a while back on my radio show, and I asked, “Are we done with ‘firsts’ at this point?”

Certainly there was a time when ‘firsts’ mattered, like the aforementioned Jack Johnson. But Harris’ firsts?

What next? Do we enshrine the toilet where she took her first dump? I too have a series of “firsts”.

For example, I’m the first “openly Lesbian trans-sexual gay binary non-lactating person” in my family. And while that’s just the definition of a man, I’m the first in my family who describes himself as such.

Oh, and my pronoun is “sexymutha”.

In another first, a while back I declared myself a Guatemalan midget when I was in pursuit of one to work for me. And while the need was only temporary, I did have my phase and it was a first in my family; perhaps even in my state.

Fools and their firsts

Many Democrats voting for Harris use “first” as their excuse. And who can blame them, given her record of achievement.

Because Harris has accomplished nothing, she touts her firsts. Does Trump not have many firsts?

Is the Trump the first reality-show host who became president? I certainly believe Trump is the first billionaire president.

Trump was the first president to invite the heads of the HBCUs to the White House.

Trump is the first president to not have a peaceful transition of power. Also, he was the first president to set a record for votes received only to lose in a coup.

The simple fact is every person is the first at something. So being the first is nothing new. But for the Left its become a crutch for those who have little or nothing to offer.

Kamala Harris is no Maggie Walker or Sojourner Truth. America doesn’t need any more feckless firsts from Harris.


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