Democrats’ Identity Crisis Part 3 – The Harris Joke
The following article, Democrats’ Identity Crisis Part 3 – The Harris Joke, was first published on The Black Sphere.
The Resume and Supposed Capabilities of Kamala Harris
Whatever happened to ability? Well, as Kamala Harris is learning, you can’t just laugh it off.
Kamala Harris’s capabilities should matter more than her identity. In the real world, ability is central to how we evaluate leaders, especially those in pursuit of the highest office. In an ideal political system, the ability to govern, make decisions, and articulate a clear vision for the future should take precedence over the nonsense Harris espouse and more to the point, her resume. Critics of Harris recognize that despite her significant role as vice president, she often resorts to platitudes and generalities when pressed on important issues. Clearly Harris is unqualified to be president, as she was to be vice president. But that didn’t stop the Democrats from shoe-horning her into the number two spot.
Like Democrats did with Obama, they tried to create a persona of “fresh and new” for Harris. And as with Obama, Harris’ public persona is very different from her private persona.
Carl Jung’s concept of the persona—the mask that individuals present to the world—raises an interesting philosophical lens through which to view Harris’s public persona. Jung posited that people often wear a public “mask” that conforms to societal expectations, while hiding their true selves. In Harris’s case, she often speaks in a way that avoids revealing her deeper beliefs or substantive policy proposals. Her vague answers are the reason why people rightly perceive that she is withholding her “true self” from the public. If Jung were to analyze her, he might ask whether this is a defense mechanism to avoid vulnerability or criticism, or whether it reflects a deeper uncertainty about her core political beliefs.
Ironically, Harris seems to forget that her core beliefs, ergo her private persona are a matter of public record.
This leads to the heart of the matter: how much can voters trust someone who relies heavily on generic statements? If recent polls show anything, the public has tired of the platitudes.
In leadership, clarity and conviction are crucial. And this is where Harris is lacking. For example, when Harris is questioned on issues like healthcare, immigration, or foreign policy, her responses are laughable. In every interview, Harris proves that she lacks depth and specificity. Given her positions as attorney general and VP one would expect her to have codified her positions long ago. Thus, she should be able to convey her policy positions without a teleprompter and without referring to notes, something Harris does even at simple interviews. Clearly, Harris seems more focused on performing the role of a leader than actually being a leader and demonstrating in-depth knowledge of policies or presenting a clear direction for the country.
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave could also be applied to Harris. In this philosophical metaphor, prisoners trapped in a cave see only shadows of reality on the wall, believing them to be the truth. They are only freed when they emerge from the cave into the light of true knowledge. I call this the “cocoon of ignorance” that Democrats live in. They only recognize their insane views. So when they emerge from Plato’s cave as it were, they are confronted with the reality of the real America; an America they reject.
Harris may still be “in the cave,” presenting a shadowy version of her true self—perhaps fearing that showing the full light of her beliefs might alienate certain groups or reveal inconsistencies. In other words, the truth won’t set them free.
Harris apparently takes a page from political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli who argued that appearances are often more important than substance in politics. Again we have Barack Obama as a reference. All style, little substance.
From this perspective, Harris’s reliance on platitudes might be a strategic decision, aimed at maintaining broad appeal. However, this approach can and will backfire. People rightly question her authenticity, as she stages interviews to discuss smoking weed or drinking a beer to showcase that public persona.
People also question her capabilities, particularly at a time when the American public demands more transparency and depth. Candidates should want to be vetted. Kamala Harris wants to be anointed.
Carl Jung’s “Persona” and the concept of authenticity: Carl Jung – Persona and Shadow
Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and leadership: Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
Machiavelli’s ideas on leadership: Machiavelli’s The Prince
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