The following article, Why the Government Is Your Worst Soulmate, was first published on The Black Sphere.

I’ve been pondering the rough patches of life. They’re the real teachers. After all, billionaires’ kids don’t end up in rehab because of their grit—it’s the easy life that ruins them.

The same is true of the rich man’s wives, girlfriends, and side-pieces. When life gets too cushy, they pay plastic surgeons to “fix” imaginary problems, as the doctors feast on their insecurities.

This brings me to government, the petulant teen or the toxic soulmate, take your pick. One thing is for sure: no matter how badly government behaves or performs, it wants what it wants.

Trauma and Government Incompetence: A Match Made in Dysfunction

The trauma of government unites us. And that’s why millions of Americans revolted against our government in the last election. Similarly, government incompetence echoes life’s traumas—it unites us in shared disbelief. And much like those trauma support groups like AA, we form bonds over mutual suffering:

  • DMV Survivors Anonymous.
  • Post Office PTSD Support.
  • TSA Group Therapy: “Hi, my name is Kevin, and I was randomly selected for a cavity search.”

The People Who Really Show Up

You galivanted with Government Barbie, your toxic gold-digging girlfriend, flying her all over the world. When you went to Thailand for her plastic surgery, she denies the luggage with the coke was hers, and you end up in that Thai prison. Meanwhile, she headed straight to the yacht in Monaco to meet up with some rich dude (victim #132) she met at the airport while you were detained.

Who did you call to help you out? That cute chubby girl you dated in college–let’s call her MAGA–until that “hottie” caught your eye, that’s who.

MAGA flew to Thailand to get you an attorney with her life savings. She then refused to return to America until you are free. Now, she’s now working as a stripper to pay off guards in the Thai prison to keep you from being violated.

The Hilariously Dysfunctional Government Wish List

I’ve been thinking a lot about what government should actually be doing for us. Instead of wasting money on things like gender-neutral snowplows or building sandcastles for crabs in Martha’s Vineyard, why not tackle the real issues? You know, stuff that would actually make life better—or at least less absurd.

Let’s start with the big one: curing cancer. We’ve sent robots to Mars, created ChatGPT, and landed a spaceship back to Earth. But you’re telling me we still can’t cure cancer? Please. I know the cure exists, and is probably stored in a climate-controlled lab in Beijing next to Hunter Biden’s other misplaced laptop. Only the richest people in the world get access to the treatment. The rest of us are out here running 5Ks for Live Strong, hoping our donation covers a box of Band-Aids for a research center.

How many cures for diseases lie locked away in vaults at Pfizer, Moderna, and other Big Pharma lock-boxes, as they provide mRNA “treatments” with side-effects longer than an elephant’s trunk? In 175 years, Pfizer hasn’t cured a single disease. But they tout their multiple treatments of various diseases. And in case you’re not paying attention, look at the one side effect of almost all treatments these days: may harm your immune system. What a clever way to whisper to somebody that our treatment makes your body less likely to treat itself.

Real Science We Need

Forget sending billionaires to space or making vegan leather from mushrooms. How about some practical science for regular folks?

I know this isn’t a big deal to some, but I’d like Big Pharma (aka the government) to figure out how to stop hair from growing out of my ears? I don’t think ear hair serves a purpose. And while they are at it, can they stop this one “Breznev” eyebrow from outpacing all the others?

Also, does my nose hair have to turn gray? Nothing screams “distinguished gentleman” like a silvery vine hanging out of your nostril complete with a “cliff hanger”.

What About Tech Taxpayer Revolution?

Like free unlimited Wi-Fi everywhere. Imagine if the people of North Carolina had constantly available communications. Surely if we can find funding for shrimp on treadmills (true story), then we can give Americans free internet access. Then, Leftist Lesbians can stream cat videos in peace without selling their souls to Comcast.

And why not have Elon Musk throw in a free smartphone connected to Starlink? Let’s put the phone companies out of business. Further, Musk could add TV service to X and remove the cable companies from the mix. With these innovations alone, the average American family would save at least $400 per month. And Leftist Lesbians can endlessly stream their cat videos. Win-win.

Eliminate Hidden Taxes

With my previous suggestions, we dump the FUTA that we pay to finance Obama phones for the poor. And we drop a host of other hidden government taxes. But let’s not stop there.

Let’s drop all toll road or bridge charges. We’ve already paid for the roads, so no double-paying. Clearly toll roads discriminate against the poor, so we put DEI back into the roads and bridges. Why should poor people be forced to waste their time in traffic, and the wealthy get the uncongested lanes. That’s what helicopters are for, right?

Government Waste: You Can’t Make This Up

The real comedy gold lies in what the government is spending our money on. Some of this stuff sounds like rejected plotlines from “Veep.”

  • Millions of dollars studying how cow farts contribute to climate change. (Spoiler: they don’t.)
  • A $2.6 million grant to teach sea monkeys synchronized swimming. Okay, I made that one up, but would you even be surprised?
  • Nobody explained that to the City of Eugene, Oregon back in 2010. In a classic example of use-it-or-lose-it spending, the city used $80,000 to build an abstract sculpture out of metal tubes and fishnet rather than return the stimulus funding it did not need to build a new bridge. That’s not public art—it’s public mockery. There’s no such thing as “extra” government money for bureaucrats.

A Conservative Wish List

  • Cures for diseases we know Big Pharma has in their hip pockets.
  • Wi-Fi that doesn’t buffer when you’re halfway through a Netflix binge.
  • Roads that don’t make you feel like you’re off-roading in a ‘96 Corolla.

May your new year be free of disease, bad roads, and government trauma. And remember, no matter how rough life gets, at least you have MAGA, and you’re not in a Thai prison waiting for Government Barbie to care.

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